Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books

I was going to post this a few days ago but I got caught up in Steamcon V and somehow didn't have any time. I saw on Twitter that Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books did a review on Thomas Riley and The Maelstrom and what a sweet one it is!

I won't post the review here so you can discover the awesomeness of Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books yourself so here are a few movie-esque teasers:

"told in fantastic great detail"


"high octane action"


"it will have you gripped to the airships steering wheel on a straight course to the deadly perils ahead." 

Pretty awesome, eh?!
Check out this and a bunch of other awesomeness at Mr. Ripley's Enchanted Books HERE.

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