Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bleeding Heart Blues

Bleeding Heart Blues

When it's awesome and when it's important to me, I like to post about music from time to time. Today, I wanted to write up a little post about my hella good friends who are in an amazing band called Bleeding Heart Blues. From my hometown of Nashville, TN, these guys (and gal) have done so much not only for the local music scene in Nashville but have also been through it all (which I assure you is mind boggling if I took the time to tell you) when it comes to music.

All the members of Bleeding Heart Blues are masters at their craft and have a unique style and personality that's honestly hard to find anywhere else. I've heard a lot of people try to pin them down as a band by comparing them to other bands and every time, it's different and wide ranging. Like if you asked me who they sound like, I'd say: Heart meets Janitor Joe, meets Danzig, meets Cat Power... the list could kind of go on forever but you get my drift right? Dark and evil at times yet often awesomely heavier than you'd expect. Think Angsty like AMREP bands but with the charcoal soul of Austin's own Black Angels.

Don't take my word for it, check out their latest album here.

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